Taking a Look Inside the Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
The Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden is not only home to Celebrate at Snug Harbor, but it is also a location where culture, history, and art all come together. A prominent Smithsonian affiliate, Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden offer its community and visitors a chance to learn about it’s history and its mission to “provide a vibrant, regional cultural destination that offers dynamic programming in arts, education, horticulture, agriculture, and recreation for diverse cultures and all ages while ensuring a well-managed campus for all residents of Staten Island and surrounding communities.”
Snug Harbor Artist Residency Program, SHARP, offers an eight week fellowship program for eight talented, culturally diverse, and economically disadvantaged artists in a variety of disciplines at the post-BFA college level to help them transition from formal training to professional careers. These participants often display their work in the Snug Harbor art galleries or on the campus. As you walk through Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden, ask about the artwork you see! The featured photo below captures some of the work you can see in an upcoming art exhibit this October.

Photo: SHARP Visual Arts
Horticulture Garden Walks:
If you love gardens and history, you’ll love the Snug Harbor Horticulture Walks offered in the varied seasonal gardens. Offered throughout the seasons, you can enjoy learning about the history of each garden while walking through them! The collage below captures the varied walks offered: a Peony Walk, a Spring Walk, a Tuscan Garden Walk, and a Tropical Border Walk. The larger image of the featured collage highlights an upcoming walk through Snug Harbor’s Richmond County Savings Foundation Tuscan Garden. In this walk, you’ll learn about Italian garden traditions while being led by Snug Harbor’s Director of Horticulture, Greg Lord.
An amazing aspect of Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden is the education it offers to students. With hands-on learning experiences and cross-curricular programs, there is an opportunity for all types of learners to walk away with a unique and memorable experience. Snug Harbor’s educational programs range from Beautiful Writing, Art & Meditation, Dragon Boat Festival, Autumn Moon, and Chinese New Year, which ranges from grades 2 and up.
To further your experience, you can register for Wetlands classes to learn about how water affects our daily lives, energy transfer, and wetlands, and the food web. Snug Harbor Heritage Farm classes offer students opportunities to learn about seeds, planting, pollination, flowers and fruits, as well as nutrition. Lastly, the Snug Harbor Pastoral Grounds offer students a chance to learn about different ecosystems, photosynthesis, and different types of trees. Whether it’s a class trip or an adult tour, there’s an experience for everyone!

Photo: Snug Harbor Education
If you’re looking for an unforgettable night, look no further than the Neptune Ball! Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden is hosting a magical evening, it’s annual Neptune Ball. With the inspiration from Venetian masquerades, this ball celebrates the performing and visual arts on campus, as well as other beneficial programs offered on the grounds.

Photo: Snug Harbor Neptune Ball
There is not enough to say about Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden. We’ve only highlighted a portion of what it can offer to guests. To learn more about visiting or donating, please take a moment to visit http://snug-harbor.org/.